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1. a godmother
2. a female friend or companion
3. a woman
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References in periodicals archive ?
As well as Megan, his victims were named as Lois Oglesby, 27, Syed Saleh, 38, Derek Fudge, 57, Logan Turner, 30, Nicholas Cummer, 25, Thomas McNichols, 25, Beatrice Warren Curtis, 36, and Monica Brickhouse, 39.
A motive was not established last night, but it was reported that six of the nine victims were African-American As well as Megan, his victims were named as Lois Oglesby, 27, Syed Saleh, 38, Derek Fudge, 57, Logan Turner, 30, Nicholas Cummer, 25, Thomas McNichols, 25, Beatrice Warren Curtis, 36, and Monica Brickhouse, 39.
'Hamlet: A Ghost Story', adapted by Anna Cummer, directed by Craig Hall, staring Ahad Raza Mir ends on April 13, 2019.
Russell Cummer, Founder and Executive Chairman of Paidy said, 'We are extremely honoured that Paidy's business concept was highly valued by the world's largest payment network, Visa.
Whitaker and Cummer (2003) noted a decline in evening bats in Indiana in the second half of the 20th centurv, possibly due to pressure from big brown bats (Eptesicusfuscus) that compete with evening bats for day roost sites in buildings.
Cummer, "Frequency tunable electromagnetic metamaterial using ferroelectric loaded split rings," Journal of Applied Physics, vol.
Cummer, "Characterization of complementary electric field coupled resonant surfaces," Applied Physics Letters, vol.
Broken limbs from Hurricane Andrew still littered the gardens of the Cummer Museum in Jacksonville, Florida.
(55) In a puzzling decision, the Ministry decided to approve the purchase of land located on 500 Cummer Avenue in Toronto from the public-school board, totaling five acres.