

1. (Clothing & Fashion) having no cuff or cuffs
2. (Clothing & Fashion) US and Canadian and Austral (of trousers) having no turn-ups
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
M2 PHARMA-August 27, 2019-Biobeat wins US FDA clearance for first-ever wearable watch and patch for non-invasive cuffless monitoring of blood pressure
Global Banking News-August 27, 2019-Biobeat wins US FDA clearance for first-ever wearable watch and patch for non-invasive cuffless monitoring of blood pressure
M2 EQUITYBITES-August 27, 2019-Biobeat wins US FDA clearance for first-ever wearable watch and patch for non-invasive cuffless monitoring of blood pressure
Among the topics are personalized monitoring and assistive systems: a case study of efficient home solutions, cuffless blood pressure estimation using pulse transit time and photoplethysmogram intensity ration, the design and implementation of documents based on big data to optimize medical coding, spatio-temporal gait variables using wavelets for an objective analysis of Parkinson Disease, and the importance of personalized health-care models: a case study in activity recognition.
We also brought in the cuffs from our fathers' suits--men were changing over to cuffless pants at the time--to be taken to women who would make quilts out of them for hospitals.
[15] I-gel is a cuffless device, whereas LMA-Classic and ProSeal are cuffed SAD's, hence the increased time taken to introduce these two devices may be explained by the time taken to inflate the cuffs.
In the first one [16] related to continuous cuffless blood pressure estimation using the pulse transit time and photoplethysmogram intensity ratio, the authors presented an algorithm which was validated on 27 healthy subjects with continuous Finapres blood pressure as a reference.