

(ˈkrɒslɪt) or

cross crosslet

(Heraldry) heraldry a cross having a smaller cross near the end of each arm
[C16 croslet a little cross]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈkrɔs lɪt, ˈkrɒs-)

a small cross, as one used as a heraldic charge.
cross′let•ed, adj.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Jamies Murie, 21 Crosslet Avenue, Dumbarton, G82 3NR THANKS | I want to thank everyone who sent me patterns.
Full result: 1T and G McKenna, John Feeding and Sandy Mitchell 58-4.1-53.9; 2 Stuart Crosslet, Scott Simpson, Ryan Carroll and Callum Commander 61-4-57; 3 Ian Edmonton, Dave Charnley, Mick Farrell and Dave Smith 63-5.6-57.4; 4 A and K, Jas MacLean and Billy Black, 62-4.4-57.6; 5 G and S Schoneville, Willie Denholm and AndyWylie 61-3.1- 57.9.
(18) McEntire v CrossleT Brothers Ltd [1895] AC 457.
Next undesirable effect is that the centers of crosslet groups are not placed at original PLB test locations.
Finally, all training points (their arrival time profiles) were projected by neural network onto the original area (see crosslets in Fig.
6, it is possible to interpret the erroneous accumulation of crosslets in analogous problematic areas in Fig.
White Crosslet Publishing Co has announced the planned release on 27 May of a series of ten books entitled The Ten Transmutations.
Brett, from Dumbarton, was on an outing to Balloch Park with Crosslet Nursery when the vehicle hit him.
Result: 1st class; 1 Jamie Chapman 75-10-65, 2 Robert McCulloch 74-7-67bih, 3 John Pickering, 77-10-67, 4 Stuart Crosslet 73-5-68.
Ruskin's father had designed his son's arms with "three crosses crosslets gules," with an eye toward the lad becoming a minister (35.391-92).