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The family had been living on corncakes and sorghum molasses for three days.
Research shows that agri-environment schemes have helped reverse dwindling populations of bird species, such as corncake, stone curlew and cirl bunting.
I didn't have a starter but my husband chose the crab corncakes with salsa which turned out to be just the one corncake.
It's where the same bow tie-clad waiters have been serving the same creamy polenta corncakes (with prickly-pear pistachio butter) and salmon tostadas for a decade.
1 Metcalfe's Selfie Bag Metcalfe's Selfie Bag Skinny Corncakes, ROSEMARY or Virgin Olive ROSEMARY or Virgin Olive Oil (20g), 70p, Waitrose BEST for handbag
Today's recipe for Quick Veggie Corncakes is spiked with the zesty spices of the Southwest and is a terrific solution to the wintertime drought in fresh veggies, too.
Based in Polznan, Poland, the company also recently added chocolate covered corncakes sprinkled with cherry and yogurt covered corncakes in five flavors--strawberry, blackberry, orange, lemon and lime.