

(Ecclesiastical Terms) a fellow pastor
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La coordinacion de las celulas, inicialmente, esta bajo orientacion de un lider en formacion ("copastor o auxiliar"), con la supervision del "pastor oficial".
Although the allegations of financial misconduct were not the central reason for the secession, the cathedral's copastor, the Reverend Mona West, acknowledges that frustration around the investigation did spark the July vote.
One Sunday, for example, Reverend Ryan transformed the most popular Sunday morning service in her church from a traditional, rather high-church service to one that she and her copastor had developed based on their interpretation of what the first Christian gatherings in homes might have been like, with all activities, including the sacraments and prayers, being performed and delivered by the laity rather than being led by the clergy.
Yet his awareness of Chinese classical literature and customs, augmented by his preaching in Cantonese with his long-time copastor Ho Tsun-sheen (1817-71), made him sensitive and responsive to numerous Chinese cultural issues.
Already in 1844 Legge and Ho, his copastor, had prepared their own translation and commentary to the Sermon on the Mount, following these same principles.
By David Trembley, copastor of Broken Walls Christian Community, an inner-city church in Milwaukee and author of Emmaus Eyes: Worship With the Mentally Challenged (Eden Publishing, 1996).
The sermon the day this writer visited was delivered by the church's copastor, Miriam Wolthuis, a Catholic theologian, on the presence of God in daffy life as understood by Martin Buber.
An independent Baptist church in Raleigh, N.C., in April named lesbian Nancy Petty as its copastor. The 850-member Pullen Memorial Baptist Church, a progressive church located adjacent to North Carolina State University, is believed to be the first Baptist church in the South to appoint a gay person as lead clergy.
"A woman and a gay man as copastors bring authenticity to who they are," he said.
Assisted by copastors Allison Gabourel and Gerardo Venegas, he packs his days with meeting both spiritual and physical needs.