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A period following strenuous physical activity in which stretching or milder exercise is performed to allow the body gradually to return to normal.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


a series of gentle stretching exercises conducted after strenuous activity in order to allow the heart rate to gradually return to normal
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Inventory picked up the most inSan Jose,SeattleandLos Angeles, further signaling a cooldown from the frenetic pace of the past year in major West Coast markets.
By the same token, any fleets that have not yet adopted them are unlikely to do so simply to manage a cooldown. UniCarriers' Markison recognizes this hesitation among prospective clients, but emphasizes it takes time to get good trend data on cost.
Quite a change from your typical gift hamper, it contains Joe's Lean in 15, The Shape Plan - 15 minute meals book, the Talking Strength Ball to give arms and biceps an almighty workout, an Ice Towel cooldown towel and a packet of protein and fibre rich fruit, nut and soya snacks.
Visa said the cooldown appeared to be driven by a sustained fall in face-to-face spending on the high street, which was down by 5 per cent compared with a year earlier.
Visa said the cooldown in its figures appeared to be driven by a sustained fall in face-to-face spending on the high street, which was down by 5% compared with a year earlier.
Similarly, the cooldown yard is situated for the design threat.
Some other cities in southern England - where house prices are already relatively high compared with local wages - have also seen a big cooldown in house price growth.
deceleration growth weaker demand owners investors Some other cities in southern England -where house prices are already relatively high compared with local wages - have also seen a big cooldown in house price growth.
There will be live cooking demonstrations from Etihad chefs and a major highlight is set to be the liquid nitrogen ice cream giveaway to delegates at the "ATM Cooldown".
This equivalent of "warmup" and "cooldown" is performed in front of spectators, Mee says, and both are given equal weight.
Was PS29.99, now PS17.99, H&M 2 HOT FOOT IT Step out in these Capri leather sandals, were PS25, now PS15, Oasis 3 SOMETHING IN THE AIR Cool the office with Cleverboxes' USB-powered desk fan, now PS10, Tesco Direct ( 4 THAT'S MAGIC For an instant cooldown spritz Magicool body and face cooler 75ml, PS3.99, Superdrug TOO HOT TO SANDAL?