

of, relating to, or produced by a coma
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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It would be a betrayal to be proposing a university to be named after her husband when the citizenry need the activist and the humanist in her to be geared towards the championing of the redemption of the comatic Nigerian education system, which during the 2015 and the 2019 election campaigns, her husband promised to improve.
Alfonso, "Long-term follow-up of intrastromal corneal ring segments in paracentral keratoconus with coincident corneal keratometric, comatic, and refractive axes: stability of the procedure," Journal of Ophthalmology, vol.
Professor Lisa Hazlett compiled the second booklist in her series about exceptional teens in "Exceptionalities: Part 2: Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, Head Injuries, Comatic Situations, and Amnesia."
The dog later started showing signs of respiratory distress and was almost in comatic stage.
Refractive results showed a reduction in the mean spherical equivalent by approximately 2.50 dioptres and a reduction in comatic aberrations.
Although subtle, the LX200 image began to show comatic flare as it was moved away from the center of the field.
The other two optical aberration parameters calculated were astigmatism and comatic aberration.
It beats one imagination how in Nigeria-even in its comatic state-micro issues become macro issues and macro issues are political swept under the carpet.
Alfonso, "Long-term follow-up of intrastromal corneal ring segments in paracentral keratoconus with coincident corneal keratometric, comatic and refractive axes: stability of the procedure," Journal of Ophthalmology, vol.
Young adult literature titles featuring autism, Asperger's syndrome (although the medical community no longer recognizes Asperger's separately from autism, it remains in published novels), head injuries, comatic situations, and amnesia are extensive.