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References in periodicals archive ?
Steve Fenwick, their Grandad said: "Ebony and Coden have had more heartbreak than any child should have to deal with.
The Southeast Supply Header (SESH) is a 42-inch and 36-inch natural gas pipeline originating at Carthage, TX and running 446 miles to a terminus at Coden, AL.
The panel will be moderated by Michael Coden, vice president, NextNine, a cybersecurity expert who participated in the development of the Cybersecurity Framework and helped to arrange the speaker and panelists.
The adorable flower girls were Miss Courtney Elizabeth Brewer, niece of the bride, and Miss Sophie Ellen Caldwell and Miss Isabella Paige Byrd, cousins of the bride, both from Coden, Alabama.
Effect sizes (Coden's d) and statistical power were calculated to determine the practical difference between the FTG and the CG.
Un arall oedd coden y coed (Lycoperdon pyriforme; stump puff ball) sy'n edrych yn ddigon tebyg i lympiau bach o does (dough) lliw brown golau.
This specimen is deposited in the National Insect Collection, housed in the Instituto de Biologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (coden: CNIN).
Al-Shehri, Some results on derivations of BCI- algebras, Coden Jnsmac, 46(2006), 13-19.
In addition, the company said the Mobile Bay South II expansion project has been designed to create an additional 380,000 dekatherms per day of southbound, year-round firm transportation capacity on the Mobile Bay Lateral from Transco's mainline at Station 85 near Butler, Ala., to its interconnect with Gulfstream Natural Gas System in Coden, Ala.
They are Parsons, (1960), Strodtbeck's, (1961) and Coden and Yousef, (1975).