
Related to coatless: costless


without a coat or coat of arms
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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One Saturday evening when I was having supper with Lena, we heard a knock at her parlour door, and there stood the Pole, coatless, in a dress shirt and collar.
Poyser, entering warm and coatless, with the two black-eyed boys behind him, still looking as much like him as two small elephants are like a large one.
Two things happened, Gawel said, with the primary date being pushed up by New York City politicians: one was that upstate New Yorkers now had to go door to door under wintry, windy and rainy conditions to get people to stand at their doors, letting the heat out and the cold in, in order to sign a wet petition; meanwhile, coatless NYC politicians can take the elevators and walk out of the weather down the halls of buildings with hundreds of apartments in each, and perhaps thousands in the complexes.
"Its usually 18 degrees," says a coatless Rebholz, 51, as he shuns the relative warmth of his freezer and rolls up his sleeves to put the finishing touches on his ice sculpture of the Super Bowl trophy outside in a temperature of 20 degrees below zero.
The piece reports people rushing from all parts of the city -- "often hatless and coatless" -- to the main streets to join in with the spontaneous celebrations.
The piece reports people rushing from all parts of the city - "often hatless and coatless" - to the main streets to join in with the spontaneous celebrations.
IN THE fashion world, they call it the 'transitional' period - that early autumn phase when it's too cold to go completely coatless but if you put on a parka, you'd end up sweltering in minutes.
KATIE WRIGHT picks out the jackets you need now IN THE fashion world, they call it the 'transitional' period - that early autumn phase when it's too cold to go completely coatless but if you put on a parka, you'd end up sweltering in minutes.
We have to go to twelve places," and as quickly as she appeared she was gone, jaywalking, hurrying across the street, to another bar and another clump of the unseasonably coatless. Not much of an explanation, but something.
coatless in a tee shirt and sweating a little in the sun.
The next morning my voice shook throughout the phone interview--not from my coatless wanderings in the snow but because by then I knew I couldn't stay.
Imagine Kikko's surprise when she peeks through a window at the distant figure, arrived at a strange house, showing himself hatless and coatless as....