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Related to cineol: Cineole oil


also cin·e·ol  (sĭn′ē-ōl′)
[Alteration of New Latin cinae oleum : cinae, genitive of cina, wormseed + Latin oleum, oil; see oleo-.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈsɪnɪˌɒl) or


(Elements & Compounds) another name for eucalyptol
[C19: changed from New Latin oleum cinae, literally: oil of wormseed]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Males of Euglossa cordata and Eulaema nigrita demonstrated a preference of cineol (326 and 55 individuals, respectively) as also observed in other surveys in the Atlantic Forest (Rocha-Filho and Garofalo, 2014).
Melaleuca alternifolia is composed of terpinene-4-ol (42%), gamma terpinene (23%), alpha terpinene (11%) and cineol (2%).
O genero Hyptis e composto basicamente de monoterpenos e sesquiterpenos, corroborando com resultados de Araujo e colaboradores que identificou no oleo essencial de Hyptis martiusii (OEHM) terpenos, dentre outros constituintes, bem como Oliveira e colaboradores que expressou em seu estudo a presenca de 1,8 cineol e o [delta]-3-careno, componentes majoritarios com atividade contra bacterias resistentes.
officinalis 1.8 cineol and this major component is often used by the pharmaceutical industry; it is also considered useful for the treatment of bronchitis, sinusitis, and rheumatism.
Other compounds include a colorless essence consisting of terpenes and cineol. It should be noted that the smell of saffron is related to these materials.
showed the presence of Zingibrene and geranial as the main constituents with 37,58% and 38,96% respectively, followed by b-myrcene (5,9%), 2,3 dehydro-1,8 -cineol (0,08%), 1,8- cineol, limonene (0,56%), p-cimene (0,08%), linaloo (1,50%) citonellel (0,57%), 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one (3,16%), dehydro-p-cymene (0,36%), nerol/geraniol (0,05%), geraic acid (0,02%), 2,2- di-me-7- methoxy-benzo-pyon (0,22%), 2-tridecanone (0,45%).
By the process of steam distillation an essential oil is obtained (5.8%) from rhizomes having compounds borneol (0.5%), cineol (1%), sabinene (0.6%), sesquiterpenes (53%), zingiberene (25%) and a-phellandrene (1%).
The major constituents of the oil are linalool, linalyl acetate, cineol, pinene, limonene, geranial, borneol and some tannin [5].