
(redirected from Chuppa)


also hup·pah  (KHo͝op′ə, KHo͞o-pä′)
n. pl. chup·pahs or chup·poth (KHo͞o-pōt′, -pōs′) or chup·pot (KHo͞o-pōt′, -pōs′) also hup·pahs or hup·poth (KHo͞o-pōt′, -pōs′) or hup·pot (KHo͞o-pōt′, -pōs′)
A canopy on four posts held over the couple being married during a traditional Jewish wedding ceremony.

[Hebrew ḥuppâ, covering, canopy, bridal chamber, from ḥāpap, to surround, cover; see ḥpp in Semitic roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈhʊpə) or


1. (Judaism) the canopy under which a marriage is performed
2. (Judaism) the wedding ceremony as distinct from the celebration
[from Hebrew]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Jasminum arborescens: Tangna chuppa 3 Stomach pain (due to Typhonium trilobatum: Kamtha king clotting of blood in the stomach).
From the Muslim couple signing their Nikah contract, to the Jewish couple under the chuppa, to the Catholic blessing of the newly married couple before the altar--as they have for scores of centuries, men and women present themselves to these religious communities and to all the others to celebrate and witness their joining in marriage.
It has definitely grown up from the early days of fluffy, sugary nonsense that only appealed to lovers of Chuppa Chups lollies.
Bargains snapped up by Mrs Rooney included 640 sticks of chewing gum, 36 pitta breads, 150 Chuppa Chups lollies, one Minky ironing board and - strangely for the childless couple - 640 baby wipes.
"There were a few tears as she walked towards the chuppa and Alan on the day, considering how much she'd had to achieve to get there."
The rituals included building a chuppa, a cloth canopy held by four poles, and thus an open-ended but marked space under which the ceremony took place.
There was no rabbi, no chuppa, no stomping of the glass.
In one bright-colored Chagall-esque image, a soldier sleeps in the dirt, while, floating above him to klezmer music, his beloved joins someone else under a wedding chuppa and in a nuptial bed.
Who refused to sit next to her ex, and why wouldn't the minister stand under the chuppa with the rabbi at a religiously blended ceremony?
Drew Chuppa is senior marketing manager of AquaChek Pool & Spa Test Strips at ETS.
WHEN the CDs pile up on my desk each week, sometimes you get a little extra - this week's haul included a chuppa chup lolly and a pin-badge - but mostly you just get bumf.
Supporting us all the way, Becky not only held up one of the poles of the chuppa, the Jewish wedding canopy she and her husband had brought along, but also served as a witness for the signing of our ketubah, the traditional marriage contract.