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A CHESTFUL of medals adorn proud Roy Marren's blazer as he sells poppies outside his local supermarket.
Tandey's courage and bravery in his determination to take down the enemy and rescue his wounded comrades, including in No Man's Land, earned him a proud chestful of medals, including the distinguished Victoria Cross and Military Medal.
Former RAF Warrant Officer William Caster of Eston could boast a chestful of medals - some rarely awarded - for his magnificent wartime service.
And it was the start of a journey that would see Walter win a chestful of medals as a legendary Special Agent, a WW2 hero AND a record-breaking Olympian.
We also revealed how Clayton wore a chestful of borrowed medals to pose with Alex Salmond.
He wears a chestful of medals and boasts of a top secret role at the Ministry of Defence.
MacNider played football at Harvard and earned a chestful of medals in both world wars, but he had an Iowa isolationist streak that such He-Men as Lindsey Graham and Rick Santorum would find suspiciously girlish.
"I didn't do right by them." He draws in a chestful of air.
Frisoli, 46, of 38 Tiffany Circle, to 200 hours community service for wearing a chestful of Marine medals that he had not earned.
Do tell us, Manon bach: don't leave us in ignorance about Wales' brave Prince's chestful of gongs.