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(Elements & Compounds) another name (not in technical usage) for ceric oxide
[New Latin, from cerium]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
(https://finance.yahoo.com/news/blue-moons-creator-launched-a-cannabis-beer-that-sold-out-in-4-hours-140044104.html) Ceria's dealcoholized cannabis beer is a non-alcoholic, THC-infused, Belgian-style ale with a 5% THC content.
Ceria were sent to Japan last September 5 until November 1 for their internship.
In vivo processing of ceria nanoparticles inside liver: impact on free-radical scavenging activity and oxidative stress.
4) de la muestra de referencia facilmente reducible de especies de ceria altamente dispersas, (ii) la eliminacion de oxigeno de oxido de cerio masico y, (iii) la reduccion de especies de oxido de cerio dispersas, en fuerte interaccion con el soporte [15,16].
In a study published by the Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, scientists have described how they created an advanced nickel-based catalyst strengthened with tin and ceria, and used it to transform CO2 and CH4 into a synthesis gas that can be used to produce fuels and a range of valuable chemicals.
In a study, published in the journal Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, scientists have described how they created an advanced nickel-based catalyst strengthened with tin and ceria, and used it to transform CO2 and CH4 into a synthesis gas that can be used to produce fuels and a range of valuable chemicals.
The ZrO / Ceria (cerium oxide) stabilized has a specific gravity of 6.2.
Ce[O.sub.2] (ceria) is commonly used for chemical-mechanical polishing of surfaces, including microelectronic device wafers, electronic displays, eye-glass lenses and other optical materials [25].
16 Demarco FF, Collares K, Coelho-de-Souza FH,Correa BM, Ceria MS, Moraes RR, Opdam NJ.