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n.1.(Zool.) A carangoid fish of the Atlantic coast (Caranx hippos): - called also horse crevallé. [See Illust. under Carangoid.]
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Sobre o perfil dos manipuladores de alimentos, Cavally e Sally (4) identificaram trabalhadores com baixo nivel de escolaridade, baixa qualificacao profissional e pouca formacao profissional.
Ngefa said an investigation showed at least 1,012 were killed in the far-west regions of Moyen Cavally and Dix-Huit Montagnes during the fighting.
the same day in the Ivorian coastal town of Tabou, across the Cavally river.
AGRICOLES --Amenagement des techniques agricoles --Amenagement de a vallee du Cavally OPERATIONS INTEGREES --Transfert et reinstallation des populations PECHE de placees par le barrage de Buyo et famation de jeunes pecheurs --Developpement de service et PME a Man DIVERSIFICATION DES --Divesification des activites touristiques a ACTIVITES SECONDAIRE partir de Man ETTERTIAIRES --Developpement minier (fer, nickel, or) PRESERVATION DE LA --Preservation de la foret et soutien a FORET ET LUTTE l'industrie du bois ANTI-EROSIVE --Projet d'etude pour la lutte anti-erosion --Modernisation de laeroport de Man.
Reserve honours went to Silky Gibson Daughter, Rhydygors, Gibson Cavally from Glyn Davies, Talog, that joined the Trebersed herd at Carmarthen at 1,500gns.