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(Letters of the Alphabet (Foreign)) a variant spelling of kaph
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Suprindo deficiencias existentes durante as primeiras decadas de imigracao a CAPH passou a coordenar a ocupacao dos terrenos e administrar a localidade.
* EXTRACTION: Dave Lofthouse with an example of coalface cutting machinery house Colliery, in one (tmcHUD020909gallery) WELL SUPPORTED: Guide Dave Lofthouse at Caph the galleries * UP AND DOWN: Harold Taylor with the Caphouse Colliery steam winding gear (tmcHUD020909wind) * AT A SLANT: Caphouse Colliery drift mine's entrance with museum guide Harold Taylor (tmcHUD020909drift) * ALL MINE: The former Caphouse Colliery near Grange Moor in 1983, now the Natio onal Mining Museum for England (tmcHUD020909cap)
Thomas of the Union Metallic Cartridge Company on the new cartridge, which--early on--was referred to as the CAPH, for Colt's Automatic Pistol Hammerless (later shortened to .380 ACP).
By 1970, Wooten, along with four others, had created and incorporated the California Association of the Physically Handicapped (CAPH), the first statewide association of people with disabilities.
Argentina: The Institute participated in an event co-sponsored by NAR and the Camara Argentina de la Propriedad Horizontal (CAPH), held at CAPH's Buenos Aires headquarters.
30,5: aleph interpretatur 'doctrina', beth 'domus', gimel 'plenitudo', daleth 'tabularum', he 'ista', uau 'et', zai 'haec', heth 'uita', teth 'bonum', iod 'principium', caph 'manus', lamed 'disciplinae' siue 'cordis', mem 'ex ipsis', nun 'sempiternum', samech 'adiutorium', ain 'fons' siue 'oculus', phe 'os' [...] sade 'iustitiae", coph 'uocatio', res 'capitis', sen 'dentium', tau 'signa'.
Program Directors, Office of SIG Services Donna Baglio, PLAN, ACT, ART, SAM, NUM Lois Blankstein, GRAPH Diane Darrow, CHI, Ada, CAS, CAPH, CSE, CUE, UCCS Lisa Ernst, BDP, CPR, OIS, SAC, DOC, IR, COMM Debbie Hall, DA, ARCH, SOFT, MICRO, SMALL/PC Pat McCarren, APL, BIO, FORTH, MOD, OPS, SIM, METRICS
Beta ([beta]) Cassiopeiae, also known as Caph, lies halfway between
(2) Son yillarda kucuk capli ureteroskoplarin kullanilmasi laser ile tas kirilmasi gibi gelismeler yontemin basarisini yukseltmistin Ancak ozellikle buyuk caph ve proksimal yerle-simli taslarda ureteroskopinin basarisi dusmektedin.