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Related to cabob: kabob, carob, shish kabob


(Cookery) a variant of kebab
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Morgan was apparently smitten (118); Before the Storm--Apache, four Natives on horseback highlighted against an ominous sky (135); Cabob de Chelly, Navajo riders filing past towering monuments of stone (158); A Heavy Load--Sioux, a woman wrapped in blankets trudging through snow after gathering firewood (176); Eagle Catcher--Hidatsa, a man holding a bird of prey is himself perched on a precipitous crag (192); The Fisherman--Wishwam, a Chinook man netting salmon in churning rapids (205); and Woman and Child, an infant on Nunivak Island clinging to its mother in a profusion of commingled furs (288).
Sandholm proposed the optimal algorithm, named the Combinatorial Auction Branch On Bids (CABOB), to find the winners with maximum auctioneer's revenue [7].
"Kebab", or the way the meat turns, is derived from Arabic word "cabob", a distortion of the Aramaic word "kabbaba" or "kababu" meaning to burn or char, says Monish Gujral, who manages the Moti Mahal chain of restaurants and has put together around 100 kebab recipes from across the world in a new book "On the Kebab Trail" (Penguin India), tracing the origin of the dish in Turkey and its journey to the Indian sub-continent.