
Also found in: Medical.


resembling butter; butyraceous
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After 24 hours, Staphylococcus aureus was identified from samples by colony characteristics such as golden yellow appearance on nutrient agar, pale pink, lactose fermenting colonies on MacConkey agar and yellowish-white butyrous colonies with narrow zone of haemolysis on blood agar.
Name Surface colonies plate culture Surface Optical Form Elevation Border character 1 Irregular Raised Erose Smooth Opaque 2 Rhizoid Flat Filamentous Rough Translucent 3 Circular Raised Erose Smooth Opaque 4 Irregular Convex Undulate Smooth Opaque 5 Circular Flat Entire Smooth Translucent 6 Filamentous Flat Filamentous Rugose Translucent Name Consistency Shape Gram Stain 1 Butyrous Bacilli Negative 2 Membranous Cocci Negative 3 Butyrous Cocci Negative 4 Butyrous Bacilli Negative 5 Butyrous Bacilli Negative 6 Brittle Coccus Negative Table 2: The ability of microorganisms in nitrogen cycle.
Macroscopically, 50-100 white-cream colonies grew, with mucoid to butyrous consistence, which darkened with age.
Texture is butyrous (butter like) and elevation is flat.
Colonies are circular, opaque, smooth and have a butyrous (butter- like) consistency.