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(Geological Science) a variant spelling of buhrstone
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(36) compared the conventional and digital tracing methods using Burstone analysis.
For longer periods, horizontal lip position has been considered one of the basic features to determine the beauty of a patient's face.6 Many orthodontists used different cephalometric analysis to find out horizontal position of lips along with their relation to facial profile.6-7 Rickets, Steiner and many others like Burstone, Holdaway, Merrifield have used different reference lines and measurements for an ideal and well balanced soft tissue profile.6-7
Cytochrome C oxidase activity: Activity of cytochrome C oxidase in MII oocytes (n=10 in each group) was determined by the method described by Burstone et al.
In addition, a number of investigators have emphasised facial aesthetics, specifically highlighting the impact of the position of the lips (Park & Burstone, 1986; Czarnecki et al., 1993).
However, sporadic attempts were made to include an element of soft tissue profile assessment, such as Ricketts (6) esthetic plane, Holdaway (7) analysis and Burstone's (8) soft tissue analysis.
Burstone (11), Fish and Epker (12), and most recently Arnett and Gunson (13) can be specified among those who have most frequently practiced soft tissue cephalometric analysis (STCA) today.
Other variations of the traditional transpalatal bar are the Quad-Helix [12], Burstone's lingual arches [13], and Zachrisson's type transpalatal bar (ZTPB) [14].
Then the gels were incubated in a reaction mixture containing 0.5 ml of 7% a-napthylacetate in acetone, 12.5 mg Fast Blue RR salt; 1 ml of 0.2 M Tris-HC1 buffer, pH 7.1 and 23.4 ml of water for 30 min and visualize the bands (Hunter and Burstone, 1960).
Burstone. Patterns of initial tooth displacements associated with various root lengths and alveolar bone heights.