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1. (Navigation) a system of buoys
2. (Navigation) the buoys used in such a system
3. (Navigation) the providing of buoys
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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He said the buoyage should have been used as guidance by the ferry to enter the terminal.
Al-Mousawi, who works with the Bahrain-based Middle East Navigation Aids Service (MENAS) presented the ambassador with a copy of a book he had translated on Marine Buoyage System and other Marine Aids in Bahrain.
"After speaking to Buoyage, the manufacturers of the street lights, they said that for the scheme to go ahead, plans must have been put in place back in November.
Ship positioning accuracy in a way of the channel axis using the leading line system, buoyage and modern RTK system reaches 3/5m.
As part of its ongoing commitment to develop, organise and promote the maritime industry, DMCA revealed that it has succeeded in implementing the maritime buoyage system, which consists of 426 buoys, in collaboration with maritime stakeholders and leading relevant government bodies.
He added: "During the first quarter we launched a series of leading marine initiatives, like the maritime buoyage system which aims to ensure the highest levels of maritime safety and creating a safe and integrated marine environment, to enhance Dubai's reputation as a premier maritime hub."
The maritime buoyage system is based on organising maritime activities in beaches by allocating the first 50 to 100 meters of coastal waters for general swimming and the next 100 meters for light marine vessels which are less than 5 meters in length, and the next 100 meters considered as a buffer zone.
* Inspect and test docks, ships, buoyage systems, plant intakes and outflows, and underwater pipelines, cables, and sewers, using closed-circuit television, still photography, and testing equipment.