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bunt 1

v. bunt·ed, bunt·ing, bunts
1. Baseball
a. To bat (a pitched ball) by tapping it lightly so that the ball rolls slowly in front of the infielders.
b. To cause (a base runner) to advance or (a run) to score by bunting.
2. To push or strike with or as if with the head; butt.
1. Baseball To bunt a pitched ball: The batter squared away to bunt.
2. To butt.
1. Baseball
a. The act of bunting.
b. A bunted ball.
2. A butt with or as if with the head.

[Dialectal, to push, strike.]

bunt′er n.

bunt 2

1. The middle portion of a sail, especially a square one, that is shaped like a pouch to increase the effect of the wind.
2. The pouchlike midsection of a fishing net in which the catch is concentrated.

[Perhaps from Swedish bunt or Danish bundt, both of Low German origin.]

bunt 3

A smut disease of wheat and other cereal grasses, caused by fungi of the genus Tilletia and resulting in grains filled with foul-smelling, sooty black spores. Also called stinking smut.

[Origin unknown.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


a batter who deliberately bunts the ball
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.bunter - a batter who bunts
batsman, batter, hitter, slugger - (baseball) a ballplayer who is batting
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
1876: Frank Richards, author and creator of fat schoolboy Billy Bunter, was born in London as Charles Hamilton.
This all smacks of an unlikely scene out of one of those comic strips featuring Billy Bunter at Greyfriars (also a TV show) , but the cane was still being wielded in some state schools up to 1986 - later in some private schools.
In the books by Frank Richards, what was the name of Billy Bunter's form master at Greyfriars School?
As a child I enjoyed Just William, Billy Bunter, Biggles and the Willard Price books, just because the loca library happened to stock them and I read everything I could get myhandson.
WHEN I was a boy, I used to enjoy reading Billy Bunter stories.
It seems Tory Education Secretary Michael Gove wants Bog Lane Comprehensive to be more like the fictional Greyfriars School - where Billy Bunter quaked behind his desk as the fearsome figure of Mr Quelch patrolled the classroom, swishing his cane.
Prefects used to beat younger boys with a plimsoll, and I wanted no part of that Billy Bunter public school rubbish.
Who created the fictional character Billy Bunter? 10.
WOLVERHAMPTON: 12.00 ON THE HOOF (NAP), 12.30 Marshall Art, 1.00 Ches Jicaro, 1.30 Alazan, 2.00 Annelko, 2.30 Miss Bunter, 3.00 Beau Sakhee, 4.00 Drawnfromthepast, 4.30 Reaction, 5.00 Waking Warrior, 5.30 Testa Rossa, 6.00 Cockney Dancer, 6.30 Big Sylv, 7.00 Carpentras, 7.30 Story Writer.
REDCAR: 1.25 Gioia De Vita, 2.00 Woodland Mill, 2.35 La Salida, 3.10 Art Storm, 3.45 Miss Bunter, 4.20 Imperial Bond, 4.55 Categorical, 5.30 Jordaura.