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1. (Animals) one of two filaments of silk combined by the silkworm to form a strand of silk
2. one of the ribs of a fan
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Just after breakfast he said to me in so many words, Je crois que Veslovsky fait un petit brin de cour a Kitty."
Whether there was something exceptional in Levin's face, or that Vassenka was himself conscious that ce petit brin de cour he was making was out of place in this family, but he was somewhat (as much as a young man in society can be) disconcerted at Levin's entrance.
Page and Brin proposed organizing the search results based on "backlinks" -- in other words, the more websites that linked to your page meant that your page would feature on the top.
The $1 million from the state will match a private donation to endow the Brin Family Endowed Professorships in Theoretical Computer Science.
HH Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Dubai Executive Council, has said that the emirate aspires to become the world's largest ground for testing new technology after meeting with Google co-founder Sergey Brin.
He was in talks with Sergey Brin, the co-founder of Google.
Shaikh Hamdan praised Brin's inspirational experiences and his story that culminated in the establishment of Google along with his friend Larry Page.
The lawsuit claims Weinstein "made no secret" during her campaign that, if elected, she would fire Higgins, Deram and Smothers because they backed Brin. A campaign website affiliated with Weinstein posted photos of the plaintiffs planting Brin campaign signs and falsely suggested it occurred during their work hours, according to the federal complaint.
If Brin is working on an airship to transport cargo, he'llface stiff competition in the form of the Airlander 10 , the world's largest aircraft.
After learning that his mother had Parkinson's disease, Brin visited his account at the website of the genetic-testing company 23andMe, founded by his then-wife, Anne Wojcicki.