
Also found in: Medical.
Related to brewis: Fish and brewis


(ˈbruːɪs) or


1. (Cookery) bread soaked in broth, gravy, etc
2. (Cookery) thickened broth
3. (Cookery) Canadian a Newfoundland stew of cod or pork, hardtack, and potatoes
[C16: from Old French broez, from broet, diminutive of breu broth]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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I found the poor men on board almost in a tumult to get the victuals out of the boiler before it was ready; but my mate observed his orders, and kept a good guard at the cook-room door, and the man he placed there, after using all possible persuasion to have patience, kept them off by force; however, he caused some biscuit-cakes to be dipped in the pot, and softened with the liquor of the meat, which they called brewis, and gave them every one some to stay their stomachs, and told them it was for their own safety that he was obliged to give them but little at a time.
Stephenson held the dog back before screaming, "Get him", and released the powerful animal on Mr Brewis. The dog sank its teeth into his right arm before "mauling" his victim.
6 Big Picture: Tynemouth Priory makes an impact 11 Reader's Lives: Gareth P Jones fills our favourite books slot 15 Culture Daily: The War Horse story we can't hear enough of 17 My Hero: Brendan Healy gives the thumbs-up to Billy Connolly 23 My iPod: Listening in on Peter Brewis' shuffle 26 Books: Iron founder Peter Mortimer's latest challenge 28 New Music: A decade of The Cluny makes for a stomping long weekender 34 10 Things: Two handfuls of unmissables 37 5 Questions For: Theatre director Amy Golding reveals the secrets of the plotting room 38 Classical: Father and son pianists to star at Northumberland Music Festival 66 Final Say: Gez Casey plays around with words
They in turn rallied, as did Vicky Brewis and Jenny Ward although they were to lose to 18.
Robert Brewis was site manager when Thompsons of Prudhoe got to work on demolishing the 13-storey car park - which had a starring role alongside Michael Caine in 1971 gangster movie Get Carter - in 2010.
The Ann Horler Award was given to Stephanie Booth while the Gordon Brewis Service to Tennis Award was presented to Dave Davis.
John Brewis' wife Mary lived with bowel cancer for seven years before she died in November 2010 at the age of 54.
Rob Wetherell soon had North on the board with a comfortable win, closely followed by Victoria Brewis also in two, but somewhat tighter sets.
Edward Brewis, 85, was awaiting surgery when he was asked to give evidence at the murder trial of Graeme Jarman.
Victoria Brewis did enough to overcome a determined Claire Lapworth and Reaston came from a set down and then 12-8 in the third to take the decider 21-18.
The court also heard evidence Miss Richardson's 85-year-old neighbour, Edward Brewis, who became a murder suspect when he picked up a hammer allegedly used to bludgeon his neighbour to death and put it in a drawer.
Indeed, so well did Rob Wetherell, Sarah Renton and Victoria Brewis do in the other singles North took a 4-0 lead without the loss of a set.