
Also found in: Medical, Encyclopedia.


n, pl -ria
(Medicine) one of two groove-shaped suckers on the scolex of a tapeworm
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The flexible socket (Soc) is rounded and is placed on a dome-like cuticular elevation (= bothrium (bt)).
The Monaloniina (except Felisacus Distant, 1904) and Odoniellina together are united by several external morphological characters, with the most important being the reduction of the efferent system of the metathoracic glands, linear trichobothria, absence of trichoma, bothrium tubercular, and unique structure of pretarsus with wide pseudopulvilli, hair-like parempodia and long guard setae (Schuh, 1976).
Bothrium of trichobothria with conspicuous hood (Figs.