
(redirected from bothria)
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n, pl -ria
(Medicine) one of two groove-shaped suckers on the scolex of a tapeworm
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acheilognathi have a segmented body with an arrow-head-shaped or heart-shaped scolex with bothria (slits) situated dorsoventrally along the scolex terminating with a weak apical disc 143.
nihonkaiense tapeworms are ribbon-like and composed of a slender and spatulated scolex (2.4-2.8-mm long and 1.2-1.5-mm wide) with paired slit-like bothria, neck (14.4-16.8-mm long and 1.16-1.28-mm wide), and strobila comprising numerous proglottids (4) (Figure 1).
Mature Asian tapeworms had a heart-shaped scolex with deep long bothria, a flattened attachment disc (Fig.
The legs have 3-segmented tarsi, and a high femoral trichobothrial number, ranging from 5 mesofemoral to 5-6 metafemoral, all with distinct sunken bothria and compact trichomae.