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 (bō′lə) also bo·las (-ləs)
A rope with weights attached, used especially in South America to catch cattle or game by entangling their legs.

[From American Spanish bolas, pl. of Spanish bola, ball, probably from Latin bulla.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈboʊ lə)

n., pl. -las (-ləz).
1. Also, bolas. a strong cord with a heavy ball secured to each end, used esp. by gauchos for throwing at and entangling the legs of cattle and other animals.
2. Also called bo′la tie`. bolo tie.
[1835–45; < Sp: ball < Old Provençal < Latin bulla knob]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Polanco -- Lazo and Bolas -- Partridges -- Absence of Trees -- Deer -- Capybara, or River Hog -- Tucutuco -- Molothrus, cuckoo-like habits -- Tyrant- flycatcher -- Mocking-bird -- Carrion Hawks -- Tubes formed by Lightning -- House struck.
So many works have been written about these countries, that it is almost superfluous to describe either the lazo or the bolas. The lazo consists of a very strong, but thin, well-plaited rope, made of raw hide.
In this country nobody goes on foot, and the deer knows man as its enemy only when he is mounted and armed with the bolas. At Bahia Blanca, a recent establishment in Northern Patagonia, I was surprised to find how little the deer cared for the noise of a gun: one day I fired ten times from within eighty yards at one animal; and it was much more startled at the ball cutting up the ground than at the report of the rifle.
"Just before the time to wither begins," he said airily, "you say to them Fairy me bola."
Fairy me bola means "Turn me back again," and David's discovery made me uncomfortable, for I knew he had hitherto kept his distance of the fairies mainly because of a feeling that their conversions are permanent.
"Put on your frock coat, so that you can go straight to call on Countess Bola."
Esses erros nao influenciaram a reta positiva do grafico de correlacao do numero de passes em relacao as assistencias, porque esses erros acontecem em outras posses de bolas onde nao ocorrem cestas.
Voser (2001) escreve que as principais situacoes de ataque no jogo derivam de um erro do adversario e de bolas roubadas na marcacao, onde sao realizados os contraataques.
The new president of the Irish Dental Association, Dr Andrew Bolas, said some kids have been waiting for five years.