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Related to blowed: blown, blew


v. Chiefly Southern & Upper Southern US
Past tense and past participle of blow1.
adj. Nonstandard
Used in the phrase I'll be blowed to express amazement or confusion.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Confound it, I just expect the wind has blowed it to us.
I popped out to my armpits and blowed the water out of my nose, and puffed a bit.
"Somehow it seems to me that the wind -- the wind blowed the -- the --"
Pretty soon the rain come a-drenching down, and the wind blowed hard.
Cruncher, who all this time had been putting on his clothes, "if I ain't, what with piety and one blowed thing and another, been choused this last week into as bad luck as ever a poor devil of a honest tradesman met with!
He blowed off his whole right hand with the burstin' of his shotgun, an' the huntin' dog pup he had with 'm ate up three of the fingers.
'Blowed if the gen'lm'n worn't a-gettin' up on the wrong side,' whispered a grinning post-boy to the inexpressibly gratified waiter.
But here the constable interposed with the constitutional principle 'words be blowed;' observing that words were but spoon-meat for babes and sucklings, and that oaths were the food for strong men.
`arf-quid I'd `a' seen you blowed fust `fore I'd answer.
Now if the countrymen of Monnsheer Ler Quaw had been aboard of her, they would have just struck her ashore on some of them small islands; but we run along the land until we found her dead to leeward off the mountains of Pico, and dam’me if I know to this day how we got there—whether we jumped over the island or hauled round it; but there we was, and there we lay, under easy sail, fore-reaching first upon one tack and then upon t’other, so as to poke her nose out now and then and take a look to wind’ard till the gale blowed its pipe out.”
Glad to see all the door panels have been replaced but was fresher in there when the breeze blowed through them!
My phone blowed up all day Saturday," added Storey.