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an obsolete filming process
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violet (3) whorly cushat ( 8) bipack comodo (12) Apayao nappes (4) witter rifter ( 9) ancora ferine (13) ravers loglog (6) murmur tuffet (10) dopped lethal (7) shoals steeds (11) dopped argent (13) garten
Thanks to dunning, to certain improvements due in particular to the use of bipack film (two layers, one orthochromatic and one panchromatic, separated by a layer of red filter),(3) and to an important improvement in the synchronization of sound and image through the use of masking and counter-masking, it is now possible to obtain an opaque superimposition of the two images, or, as in Our Town, a one-way opacity for one of the two images, a device that is even more extraordinary.
The EDL 1000 Bipack is so-called because it has a dual option line that offers users a high degree of flexibility as it wraps cases or trays around collations.