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(Environmental Science) ecology the cycling of chemicals through the biosphere
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References in periodicals archive ?
Pollack et al., "Serum uric acid in relation to endogenous reproductive hormones during the menstrual cycle: findings from the BioCycle study," Human Reproduction, vol.
A estimativa de [VO.sub.2max] foi determinada atraves do protocolo de Astrand-Ryhming (1986) em cicloergometro (Marca = Moviment, modelo = Biocycle Eletromagnetic 2600), que tem duracao de 6 minutos, sendo que a taxa de trabalho e de 100 a 200 watts para homens e 75 a 150 watts para mulheres, selecionada de acordo com o sexo e a estado individual de cada um.
Age at menarche and metabolic markers for type 2 diabetes in premenopausal women: the BioCycle Study.
Jodice, "Chemical parameters for evaluating compost maturity," Biocycle, vol.
This spring, more than 100 sheep are helping the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission knock back weeds at the agency's Biocycle Farm by grazing among the acres of poplar trees.
are now equipped with composting facilities, according to a 2014 survey conducted by Biocycle. If that number doesn't sound too impressive, consider that in 2009 less than 10 states had composting facilities that handled food waste and other compostable materials.