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(Mountaineering) climbing informal a karabiner
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Sweden-based Scania has named Lilian Fossum Biner as its new director.
Fossum Biner, Mikael Aru, Lottie Knutson, Alan McLean Raleigh, Camilla Svenfelt and Mikael Svenfelt, with Biner proposed to be re-elected as the chairman of the board of directors..
The sources said that the Turkish convoy, including heavy equipment and fresh forces, has been sent to Jilan Biner passageway near the Syrian town of Ra'as al-Ein in Northern Hasaka.
Summary: Alexander Biner, Director and President of the Board of Directors, Institut Montana, talks about the school's distinctive qualities
Romy Biner, head of Zermatt town council, told SRF the airlift was for guests who urgently needed to leave and to bring in supplies.
BINER -- District Police Officer (DPO) Mohammad Irshad Khan Yousafzai has said security arrangements during the holy month of Ramazan for best protection of locals have many times doubled and the circles SDPOs and SHOs of the district were directed to make sure optimum security at public places, busy business points, major Masajids especially at the times of prayers.
Although traditional storybook reading has been a dominant approach to literacy intervention in the early and primary grades, several researchers have asserted that the use of multi-modal experiences through art can extend young children's language and literacy development (Biner & Kotsopoulos, 2011; Cummins, 2004).
Es comparable el caso de Turquia, donde diferentes grupos buscaron justificar sus acciones con discursos antiterroristas o de arrepentimiento basados en la categoria victima para defender su posicion politica en el conflicto entre kurdos y turcos (Biner 2006).
Past literature revealed that learner satisfaction in online learning was closely related to persistence and lower dropout rates (Arbaugh, 2000; Billings, 2000; Levy, 2007; Thurmond, Wambach, Connors, & Frey, 2002), which was an essential element leading to high academic achievements (Workgroup, 1997; Biner, Dean, & Mellinger, 1994; Chang & Smith, 2008; Marks, Sibley, & Arbaugh, 2005).