

a person who remains behind
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References in periodicals archive ?
He recalls that in 2010, President Sirleaf's Cabinet made a decision that the Wologisi Mountain shall go out for competitive tender, using a US$5m grant from the Chinese to up the ante for any bider.
M2 EQUITYBITES-July 3, 2019-Cascades Winning Bider at BK Auction for the Acquisition of Orchids Paper Products Assets
Judge Neil Bider criticised the delay in sentencing the defendants.
Faddali is acting alongside bellydancer Lucy, Dina, Ahmed Bider, Munther Rayahneh, Hajjaj Abdelazim, Liqaa Sweidan and Tareq Sabri in the new series that is written by Ahmed Subhi.
* Timothy Beatty, Marianne Bider, Xinzhe Cheng, and Cynthia van der Werf, University of California, Davis, "The Pay Check Cycle"; also Beatty, Bitler, and van der Werf, "Do Food Assistance Programs Affect Retailers?"
As per Bider et al [5] who studied the length of injection to placental delivery interval which was found to be 7.00 mins (3.20) in treatment group, while 13.00 mins (3.30) in saline group.
2000), and result in occurrence of preeclampsia and pregnancy-induced hypertension (Bider et al.
En effet, cette region a vu, par le passe, la realisation d'une route a double voie le long d'oued Kiss qui separe l'Algerie du Maroc, des projets de ravalement des facades, et ce, en attendant la realisation d'un village touristique a Bider qui devrait etre confie a Emirates International Investment Company.
In the present study, 46 (62.16%) patients underwent caesarean hysterectomy which was performed in greater than 50% for placenta previa alone in the study by Bider D, Dulitzky M , Goldenberg M et al24 and in 68% of patients by Perveen S25 with placenta previa.
Traditional approaches to estimating presence and abundance include animal tracking, direct observations conducted along line transects, or counts of identifying features such as nests or dung (Eberhardt and Van Etten, 1956; Bider, 1968; Fashing and Cords, 2000; Barnes, 2001).