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References in periodicals archive ?
Behind the thin detector was thick detector #2, a 1.5" Bicron. We call this thin-thick detector arrangement, tandem geometry.
The key players in the Instrument Transformers Market in Americas are ABB, Alstom Grid, Schneider Electrics and Siemens while other prominent vendors include Bicron Electronics, Dongan Electric Manufacturing, Houston Transformer and Johnson Electric Coil
The company is able to service most manufacturers including: RadComm, Ludlum, Thermo, Bicron, Exploranium, and TSA.
13 -- Bicron Electronics has introduced a high voltage IGBT Gate Drive solution that protects against damaging corona discharge that can severely damage ordinary transformers and their connected circuits.
(29.) Kewanee Oil Co v Bicron Corp, 416 US 470, 476 (1974).
Bicron Corp., 478 F.2d 1074, 1083 (1973) (mentioning The Case of Monopolies (Darcy v.
Four sets of four thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) (TLD-100; Harshaw Bicron, Solon, Ohio) (Figure 1C) were labeled and attached to the breast tissue equivalent phantom.
[Li.sub.2][B.sub.4][O.sub.7]:Mn,Si is now available commercially--for instance, from Bicron under the name TLD-800 [3].