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having two colours
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.bichrome - having two colorsbichrome - having two colors; "a bicolor flower"; "a bicolored postage stamp"
coloured, colorful - having color or a certain color; sometimes used in combination; "colored crepe paper"; "the film was in color"; "amber-colored heads of grain"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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Hence archaeologically these are not to be sought in the Iron I period--where in the conventional chronology they are invariably tied to the distribution of Palestinian Mycenaean IIIC:1b ("Philistine Monochrome") and Palestinian Sub-Mycenaean wares ("Philistine Bichrome")--but rather within the Late Bronze Age strata of those sites within the sway of the rulers of the Pentapolis.
It's easy to miss treasures like the large terracotta idol found in Souskiou, near Paphos, dating from the Chalcolithic period, or what Demetrios calls "the astronaut" -- a baffling bichrome jug from the Cypro-Archaic period (around 650 BC) adorned with a weird humanoid figure who wears what looks like a diving helmet, has four fingers on each hand, and appears to be sitting on a chair that's either jet-powered or spring-loaded.
Post-firing painted bichrome ware from the Atlantic Iberian fagade
notes that red-on-cream/white pottery first appears at Ceibal in the Real 2 phase, correlating with its late appearance in the second half of the Cunil phase, so this type of bichrome decoration is a marker of the Real 2 or Late Cunil periods [43].
According to archeologists, their latest discovery 6 in which they also found Philistine bichrome pottery and figurines of Aegan goddesses that have been discovered in other excavations associated with Philistinian culture 6 only further proved the Philistine link to the palace.
Post-500 AD ceramic contexts, La Turquia stone ring cemetery: (a) View of the excavated cemetery and its surroundings, (b) probable ring grave, (c) bichrome and stepped designs ceramics, (d) head tiara.
With its extremely wide aspect ratio, richly detailed bichrome photography and two-hour-plus running time, adventurous fests are the logical venue for this effort, which deserves to be seen on the bigscreen.
Later in the Bronze Age, especially in the northern parts of the island, people preferred their pots to have a clear and formal bichrome appearance.
The Cal-Comp iT-810 handset is a lightweight (74g), candy-bar style mobile phone that incorporates a 1.2-inch bichrome mirasol display with a resolution of 130 ppi (128 x 96 pixels).
Current screens are essentially monochrome or bichrome, the most advanced providing 16 shades of gray.
Images were largely executed in monochrome red (97.4 per cent) although yellow, white, blue, black, mulberry and pink paintings also occurred in monochrome and bichrome. Documented motifs include anthropomorphs, zoomorphs, material culture objects, faces/masks, anda large quantity of geometric and abstract images.