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(Elements & Compounds) short for bicarbonate of soda See sodium bicarbonate
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[ˈbaɪkɑːrb] n (=bicarbonate of soda) → bicarbonate m (de soude)bicarbonate of soda [baɪˌkɑːrbənətəvˈsəʊdə] nbicarbonate m de soude
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n (inf)Natron nt
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Our national fetish with cleaning all began with Kim and Aggie, two women who we've recently learned despised each other, yet created the illusion that the heights of all domestic happiness could be scaled with just a quick scrub of your cooker hob using a lemon juice and bicarb solution.
chocolate, olive oil and rosemary cookies INGREDIENTS Makes about 18 cookies n 15oz plain flour n 1oz cocoa n 1tsp finely chopped rosemary n 3/4 tsp bicarbonate of soda n 1/4 tsp salt n 2fl oz olive oil n 4oz soft light brown sugar n One large egg n 4oz roughly chopped dark chocolate n 1oz blanched almonds, roughly chopped METHOD Preheat the oven to 180C, gas mark 4 and line one large or two smaller baking sheets with greaseproof paper Using a balloon whisk, mix the flour, cocoa, rosemary, bicarb and salt together in a bowl.
You can use it to absorb food odours in the fridge, just fill a ramekin with bicarb and leave it do its magic.
Sift the flour, baking powder, bicarb and cocoa together, then carefully fold into the chocolate mixture until there are no flour streaks.
Bicarbonate of soda is a fab deodoriser, and it can be used in the fridge, on carpets, vinyl, and in bins and drains.' She has another great tip for the old bicarb too.
BANISH WITH BICARB Bicarbonate of soda can help to neutralise smells, so put an open container of it near the dog's toys and/or bed.
Baking soda is also known by other related names such as sodium bicarbonate, sodium hydrogen carbonate, bicarb, bicard soda or simply bicard.
In a large bowl, mix the ground almonds, buckwheat flour, bicarb and salt, stirring well to remove any lumps.
Sift together the cocoa, flour, bicarb and salt, then beat into the egg mixture until smooth.
"I scrubbed my scalp with one tablespoon of bicarb soda dissolved in a cup of warm water," she explains.
Once combined, stir in the flour, bicarb, chocolate and 1/4 tsp salt.