
Also found in: Medical.


(Chemistry) a transparent crystalline substance
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References in periodicals archive ?
The two commercially available manufacturing process of Benzaldehyde include the hydrolysis of benzal chloride and air oxidation of toluene.
Summary: The two commercially available manufacturing process of Benzaldehyde include the hydrolysis of benzal chloride and air oxidation of toluene.
Caption: From left to right: The Yancopin rail bridge on the Arkansas River and Benzal rail bridge on the White River will provide scenic crossings for the Delta Heritage Trail.
A series of 4-[1H-benzimidazole-yl(substituted benzal) methyl-amino] benzoic acids 9(a-c) (Figure 9) was synthesized and screened for the antibacterial and antifungal activities against S.
Major Products: Men's Grooming--Just for Men, Touch of Gray Grecian 5, Grecian formula, Restoria Express, Restoria Discreet, Silver Check, Aqua Velva, Lectric Shave, Brylcreem, Williams Mug Soap, Just 5 (for women); Femine Care--Vagisil, Benzal, Vionell; Foot Care--Johnson's Foot Soap; Denture Care--Sea Bond.