

formal relating to a beard
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References in periodicals archive ?
The section begins with a handful of seniors: Quim Monzo, Maria Barbal and Merce Ibarz (who could also have been accompanied by Jaume Cabre, Biel Mesquida, Baltasar Porcel, Carme Riera or Emili Teixidor), and continues--in chronological order of the authors' dates of birth--with a dozen writers under the age of fifty in whose hands, I am convinced, lies the future of the genre in the Catalan language.
Barbal et al [11] uses spatial radial function for the core function of vortices and Mortazavi et al [12] have studied the convergence of RVM based on three numerical parameters of vortex strength, vortex radius and time step.
BC borable / coracle BF bulbil / fulfil BH baba / haha BJ bay-bay / Jay Jay (FL) BL backband / lackland BN bobwhite / nonwhite BP barbal / parpal BS blurb / slurs BV barbe / varve BX berobed / Xeroxed BZ bibb / zizz BD babble / daddle BG barbet / garget BI habnab / Hainai BK banaba / Kanaka BM barb / mann BO bleb / oleo BR beback / rerack BT barbaric / tartaric BW brab / wraw BY baba / yaya
The protagonist of Maria Barbal's "Un nom estrany" (Strange Name) is a homeless man whose limited grasp on reality causes him to miss an opportunity to change his life; in Merce Ibarz's evocative "D'aquest costat del claustre" (From this Side of the Cloister) the disappearance of the protagonist's imaginary friend is conveyed with great delicacy; Imma Monso's "La finestra" (The Window) subverts narrative convention by describing corresponding desires that appear destined for common resolution, yet never intersect.