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a dust-filtering chamber consisting of fabric filter bags
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To earn ENERGY STAR status, CalPortland took the following actions: Utilized an extensive Energy Management program to promote energy efficiency best practices at each of its facilities and for all of its employee's; installed a kiln expert control system at the Rillito plant to reduce the kiln process fuel intensity; and completed the installation of a new gas conditioning tower with a baghouse modification that led to a 2.6 million kWh per year savings for the Rillito plant.
GMD Fabric Filter (Baghouse) Systems on Furnace Emission Reduction and Treatment Systems are guaranteed to meet Iron and Steel MACT.
WHEN BRUCE WHISENHUNT moved his woodworking operation, Diversified Millwork, into a 45,000-square-foot plant in Aurora, CO, he also added a high-volume baghouse dust collection system that is so efficient its $2-a-year operating permit is the lowest in the state.
Felt bags are commonly used as filters in baghouse dust collectors.
For advanced IntelliPULSE timing features or for instant baghouse diagnostics such as instant filter leak locating, instant pulse valve diagnostics and master control of multi-compartment haghouses, refer to B-PAC Controls.
GMD's Totally Enclosed Treatment System (TETS[TM]) with the unique and proprietary GMD POWDER INDUCTION NOZZLE (PINTM) is supplied for treatment of heavy metal (Pb, Cd, Ch) laden baghouse dusts.
Used to separate trim waste, fiber and dust from process air streams, the LTG Collector system replaces the baghouse technology of the past.
The cupola furnace baghouse at Acme Foundry, Coffeyville, Kan., needed replacement.