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a yellow hardwood from an African tree
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Asked to name his favorite, Ben Clift, part owner Renaissance Specialty Veneer Products Inc., took some time to narrow it down to avodire. "Figured quarters stand out as my favorite," he said.
Avodire ranges from a light yellow to a tan, or golden brown, and is one of the plain and fancy woods.
Woods Like avodire and anigre have been in vogue and the market is always Looking for substitutes for them."
Century Furniture also drew on a variety of woods, including the exotic avodire, anigre, and eucalyptus, as it added to its blockbuster Omni collection from 2000.
He puts figured movingui veneer in a category with satinwood and avodire. Satinwood is the most expensive of the three and movingui is next.
Cam Gantz, sales manager for Interwood Forest Products Inc., Shelbyville, KY, said his company carries avodire, but it is not as widely used as other veneers like anigre or sapele.
Q My question concerns avodire. Have you ever used it?
He had a recent request for it but the client ended up using avodire because of time constraints.
The tabletop is made of particleboard and covered in cherry, walnut, harewood, lacewood and avodire veneers.
The Avodire veneered checkerboard-top dining table is available in two sizes -- 90 inches by 45 inches extending to 120 inches with two leaves, and 60 inches by 45 inches, extending to 90 inches.
Although avodire has been used as a substitute species, nothing quite equals the grain and color of anigre, in large enough supplies, Matulevich said.
Veneer including cherry, avodire (a species of Mahogany) and maple is forklifted up to the room.