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adj., v. -trit•ed, -trit•ing. adj.
1. Also, at•trit′ed. worn by rubbing or attrition.
2. to reduce by attrition.
[1615–25; < Latin attrītus, past participle of atterere to rub against, wear away =at- at- + terere to rub]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The minister added that everybody knows that such negative malpractices taking place on our public streets attrite a lot of effort, time and public money which all of us are keen to save and to use properly for the sake of community and human resources development to attract more investments and ensure the sustainability of national development.
However, given the look of the clouds, I doubted there was enough clear air to conduct a large air-to-air fight in the manner we desired, therefore favoring the fighters, in their mission, to attrite us.
(23) The Germans were also quick to adapt to subsurface warfare and were notorious in their use of submarines to attrite Allied forces.
The landmark study conducted by the World Evangelical Fellowship (WEF) Missions Committee suggests that 5.1% of career missionaries leave the field each year and, of those who leave, 71% attrite for preventable reasons (Taylor, 1997).
On average, lower economic status households were more likely to attrite between the two waves, so without weighting, the PPHS-2010 would be lesser representative of lower economic status households than would be a random household survey.
According to Rand Corporation report, terrorist groups might be able to buy small, armed drones and smaller systems could become the next IEDs, low-cost, low-tech weapons that are only of limited lethality individually but attrite significant numbers of US or allied personnel when used in large numbers over time.
Respondents who attrite between Wave I and Wave II may be inherently different from respondents who complete both waves.
We focus on the attrition and promotion behavior of waivered recruits as compared with their non-waivered counterparts, and we examine whether they are more likely to attrite or less likely to promote quickly.