

(Agriculture) relating to land that is ploughed
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The French subsidiaries of Arval and Generali (BIT.G) have entered into a deal that will provide vehicle leases to the insurance company's corporate and private customers.
La responsabilite sociale d'entreprise (RSE), qui represente l'un des piliers de la strategie d'Arval au Maroc et dans le monde, a longtemps franchi les portes du loueur a travers l'organisation de son challenge Securite et environnement, une initiative originale pour encourager les clients a une demarche eco-citoyenne.
Paris: The last year was another great one of success and encouraging achievements for Arval, subsidiary of BNP Paribas.
Arval has selected Sierra Wireless device-to-cloud technology to build its new global telematics solution.
That's one of the key findings of research undertaken for vehicle leasing and fleet management company Arval crossreferencing colours with personality traits and lifestyle.
8 July 2014 - US end-to-end mortgage solutions provider PHH Corporation (NYSE:PHH) said it had wrapped up the USD1.4bn (EUR1bn) sale of its fleet management services unit dba PHH Arval to Element Financial Corp (TSE:EFN).
Mike Waters is senior insight & consultancy manager at Arval, the leading vehicle leasing and fleet management company.
Cloetta (STO:CLAB), a Nordic region confectionery company, announced today the signing of an agreement to acquire Alrifai Nutisal AB, a dry roasted nuts company based in Sweden, from Arval Holding Ltd.
Its finance products are provided through partnerships with the UK's largest vehicle leasing companies, including Network, a division of LeasePlan, Lex Autolease, Arval and BNP Paribas Commercial Vehicle Finance.
A statement by Nujaifi office stated that Speaker called during his meeting with Swedish Foreign Minister Advisor Ambassador Bjorn Arval "to ease procedures relating to this issue due to the tense security conditions experienced by the country.
* To launch its new men's cosmetic line, Arval chose Innovative cosmetic packaging designed, developed and manufactured by Lumson.