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Related to arsenite: Sodium arsenite


(Elements & Compounds) a salt or ester of arsenous acid, esp a salt containing the ion A5O33–
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[3] Expression of AQP-9 in leukocytes suggests that the protein may be pharmacologically important during the treatment of promyelocytic leukemia with arsenite. The cellular localization and functions of AQPs 10-13 are not clear.
Arsenite ([As.sup.III]) is a toxic form of arsenic, but it can be oxidized to less toxic arsenate ([As.sup.V]).
In this study, for the first time, we investigated a method for determination of five arsenic species including arsenobetaine (AsB), dimethylarsinic acid (DMA), monomethylarsonic acid (MMA), arsenite ([As.sup.III]), and arsenate ([As.sup.V]) in urine and serum samples from Vietnam using HPLC with an anion-exchange column and ICP-MS, as a detector.
The most common species of arsenic likely to be found in aquatic environments are arsenite As(III) and arsenate As(V) [1], but methylation probably occurs by activity of microorganisms, resulting in the formation of organic arsenic compounds such as monomethylarsenate (MMA) and dimethylarsenate (DMA) [2, 3].
They said, 'Markers of oxidative stress and levels of heavy metals namely lead, cadmium, copper, arsenite and nickel were determined in the liver and muscle of fish samples from both sites.
Although the underlying mechanisms have remained somewhat obscure, studies in rodent models have shown that the lung has substantial arsenic metabolizing capacity through arsenite methyltransferase (Healy et al.
Arsenic is not geologically uncommon and occurs in natural water as arsenate and arsenite. Additionally, arsenic may occur from industrial discharge or insecticide application.
[3.] New inorganic (an)ion exchangers based on (alkoxide--free) sol--gel generated layered Mg--Al hydrous oxides for target anions (Arsenate, Arsenite, Fluoride, Bromide, Bromate, Selenite) removal / Natalia Chubar // Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference Alexandria, Egypt.--2011.--P.
Arsenic occurs in four forms which are arsenic (0), arsenite As (III), arsine As (III) and arsenate As (V).Among these four oxidation states the inorganic arsenite and arsenate is commonly found in the water, these are the most prevalent forms of the arsenic [22].
Arsenic is a naturally occurring metalloid having four primary oxidative states: +5, +3, 0, and -3, among which the trivalent arsenite form ([As.sub.2] [O.sub.3] ; As III) and the pentavalent arsenate form ([As.sub.2] [O.sub.5] ; As V) are of utmost biological relevance.