

having no tail
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Molgulidae is an interesting group for research on the evolution of body plans because it contains species that have urodele, tailed, chordate larvae with notochord and muscle as well as closely related species with anural, tailless larvae that completely lack larval structures, including the sensory otolith and muscle and notochord in the tail (5).
This environment is similar to that of other described indirect developing anural species (13, 14).
Table 1 Selected anural and Pacific urodele mogulid characteristics Species Tail?
Ampulla morphogenesis in anural and urodele molgulid ascidians.
Ultrastructural and histochemical study of anural development in the ascidian Molgula pacifica.
Therefore, these results suggest that the activity of the MocuMA 1 promoter is somewhat "leaky" in some cell types, as is the transcription of Ache genes in vestigial muscle cells of several anural ascidian species (Whittaker, 1979; Jeffery and Swalla, 1990b; and Bates and Mallett, 1991).
Immunoprecipitation experiments, now in progress, will coprecipitate muscle cell determinants with p58 for microinjection into non-muscle lineage blastomeres of urodele ascidian embryos and injection into anural ascidian eggs.
Ultrastructural and histo-chemical study of anural development in the ascidian Molgula pacifica (Huntsman).
Ecological consequences of altering the timing mechanism for metamorphosis in anural ascidians.
An evolutionary change in the muscle lineage of an anural ascidian embryo is restored by interspecific hybridization with a urodele ascidian.