
(redirected from antiporn)


(ˌæntɪpɔːˈnɒɡrəfɪ) or


opposed to or acting against pornography
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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According to antiporn campaigner Gail Dines, 'To think that so many men hate women to the degree that they can get aroused by such vile images is quite profound.
The figure of the racialised sex trafficking victim was already present in these discourses, haunting the articulations of harm mobilised by antiporn feminists.
A proud advocate of open and legal sex work, Siouxsie finds herself at odds with antiporn feminists, upper-crust yuppies, and even Hollywood royalty.
Not only are individuals such as Melissa Farley and Gail Dines everywhere it seems, from the New York Times to The Guardian, but, to their credit, they know how to effectively disseminate their antiporn and antiprostitution messages.
And in the popular media antiporn feminism has been treated as one and the same as feminism.
Co-star Lovelace, who became an antiporn campaigner, died at 53 in a 2002 car crash.
Profit: Citizens for Decent Literature and the Arousal of an Antiporn
She was on point when she warned two decades ago, "Antiporn feminists are playing into the hands of the right-wing and its reactionary agenda."
Speaking to a hundred antiporn activists outside of one of the Lake Street adult theaters--at a rally advertised as a place to "express outrage at the Minneapolis City Government's Betrayal of Women"--Dworkin recommended that city council members ask themselves, "Are they helping the pornographers or helping women?
A NEW BBC drama starring Julie Walters as Nuneaton-born antiporn campaigner Mary Whitehouse will be screened this month.
government, the anticensorship portal offers a sanitized form of free speech: It has an antiporn filter built right in.