

opposed to the formation, growth and activities of gangs
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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With young Black people constructed through official discourse as the primary perpetrators of gang crime, and antigang police command structures correspondingly positioned along racial lines, it is inevitable that racism variably materializes as a strategy for policing and punishing gangs.
Under controversial "antigang" laws brought in by then Tanaiste Michael McDowell in 2007, Stephen Sarsfield should have got at least a decade behind bars.
A TRAFFIC stop in San Diego has led to a gun battle that killed an antigang police officer and seriously wounded another.
The police outnumber the bad guys seven to three in "The Squad," a suspense-challenged genre programmer whose original French title ("Antigang," derived from the division tasked with combating organized crime) suggests a much more exciting dynamic, if the odds were stacked in the villains' favor.
He argued that the belief that the Chicago antigang ordinance was supported by the most impacted minority communities was false.
The FBI established a vetted Transnational AntiGang Unit in El Salvador in 2007.
Les quatre fonctionnaires, deux gardiens de la paix et deux officiers, sont affectes a la brigade de recherche et d'intervention (BRI), l' antigang ', prestigieuse unite chargee des filatures et des interpellations complexes et sensibles.
Although community policing as a means of maintaining order in urban areas may have experienced a doctrinal setback when the Court construed the antigang ordinance in Chicago v.
According to a 2011 report by the National Police antigang unit in E1 Salvador, by the end of 2010, the MS-13 and Calle 18 gangs had some 27,500 members just in E1 Salvador, 9,200 of whom were in prison.
for striking down an antigang ordinance for vagueness).
For starters, counterinsurgent planners should consult law enforcement personnel associated with antigang units, inner-city community leaders, social psychologists, and cultural anthropologists.