

countering bias
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The effort to learn about and implement a race-conscious, antibias approach to early childhood education got under way in the fall when we began meeting regularly to discuss our own experiences with race and diversity.
Although Teaching Tolerance's repository of antibias materials pushes people into antiracist action, which is arguably far beyond putting up with difference, the organization's language bears the mythological stamp of the past that frames the materials as safe and nonthreatening.
For research suggesting that antibias training may normalize
The New York City-based organization has led law enforcement antibias training and have participated in interfaith and multicultural meetings and initiatives.
For example, one student remarked, "I think the professors here have been good about instilling into their curriculum, you know, 'be open-minded,' 'don't be judgmental.'" Although cultural competency was not necessarily explicit in every course or class, students perceived the faculty's commitment to promote antibias attitudes and values.
Leaders also conducted antibias training for hiring panels, having them spend a session with a human resources analyst before the interview process to review possible biases.
Ann Pelo, a preschool teacher and teacher mentor in Seattle, Washington, who was an English major and activist in high school and college, networked informally with child care workers who were interested in antibias teaching and social justice.
Specifically, teacher preparation programs should restructure the educational foundation courses to emphasize the importance of diverse perspectives, such as multicultural child development, sociocultural perspectives on early childhood education, or antibias curriculum.
The party limitation also meshed with the antibias purpose of the Clause.
In the first two quarters of this year, GDP grew only 2.1% (after shrinking 0.2% in the last quarter of 2007), and now only 46% of heterosexuals favor written antibias policies.
In the wake of these events, little commentary has focused on the antibias provisions of the Massachusetts adoption laws that essentially forced the Catholic Church to choose between faithful service to its God or to the state.