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 (ăn′tē-ăt′əm, ăn′tī-)
An atom composed of antiparticles.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Also we can define a mesonic antiatom as an ordinary antiatomic nucleons with one or more of its antielectrons replaced by positively-charged mesons.
The easiest way to prove that they have made their antiatom is to annihilate it.
Scientists in Europe recently created the first human-made antiatom, an atom with all the usual electrical charges reversed.
Also we can define a mesonic antiatom as an ordinary antiatomic nucleous with one or more of its antielectrons replaced by positively-charged mesons.
Each antimatter atom has antielectrons (positrons), antiprotons, and antineutrons, except the antiatom of ordinary hydrogen which has no antineutron.
Electrically neutral and no longer deflected by the accelerator's magnetic fields, this antiatom would move in a straight line before plowing into a silicon target.
Such states are analogous to the gravitational quasi-stationary states of antiatoms above material surface, predicted in 18, 19].
The Nature paper reports 38 such trapped antiatoms, which were held for more than a sixth of a second before they escaped and annihilated themselves against the matter in the sides of the container.
These types of selectors may have a wide range of applications and can be built not only for neutron beams, but also for other experiments with UCNs, ultracold atoms, and antiatoms [16-19], in particular within the GBAR project with ultracold antihydrogen at CERN [20], as well as, probably, with positronium [21] and so forth.
2010 The ALPHA experiment produces antihydrogen that lasts a fraction of a second, opening the door for experiments on the physics of antiatoms.