In the bachue species group, which contains most of the species, the first
antennal flagellomere is distinctly longer than the second flagellomere, the clypeus is maculated with yellow or cream, the fifth sternum bears stout spines midapically, and the seventh tergum is medially emarginate on its distal margin.
Antennal segments III, VII and VIII, base of IV and V, and all tibiae and tarsi pale brown.
Larva with robust, wide spatula with 3 to several points, and 8 short terminal papillae;
antennal horns of pupa strong, broad, and serrate; female cerci of most species fused; gonostylus attenuate in male, R5 about 3/4 of the length of wing (Mohn 1964; Gagne et al.
It also allows women and their families to become active partners of their care." Key features of 10 Moons include: Plan of care: information about what to expect from each appointment; Weekly updates: access to the latest information about the baby's development; Ultrasound images: access to ultrasound scans sent directly to the patient; Nutrition: healthy eating guide and Antenatal classes: information about upcoming
antennal classes.
Male-male agonistic behavior, for example, is primarily related to territoriality, and dominance is established through
antennal contact, stridulation, and fights (Alexander 1961, Khazraie and Campan 1997, Prado 2006, Wilson et al.
Adults with setulose
antennal flagellomere necks in both sexes, four-segmented palpi, reduced male mid-circumfila, toothed tarsal claw, male tergites 7 and 8, and female tergite 8 narrow, elongated, and without setae or scales.
Antennal segments: I, 0.08; II, 0.11 [+ o -] 0.01; III, 0.09 [+ o -] 0.02; IV, 0.12 [+ o -] 0.01.
Antennae inserted laterally near middle of rostrum, relatively short, reaching anterior margin of pronotum; scape large, elongate, weakly clavate, about 5.5 times longer than wide, 0.6 times as long as rostrum; flagellum short, compact, 4-articled (appears 3-articled), flagellomeres indistinctly visible, subequal in length, trapezoidal, widened distally, last flagellomeres wider than previous;
antennal club 1-articled, ovoid with widely rounded apex, dilated apically, nearly as long as flagellum, apically subtruncate.
We measured several morphological traits of all the individuals (see Figure 1; head width (HW), head length (HL), thorax length (TL), pronotum length (PN), length of right forefemur (FF), foretibia (FT), midfemur (MF), midtibia (MT), hindfemur (HF), hindtibia (HT), width of posterior end of 1st segment of abdomen (AW), and lengths of the left
antennal scape (AS) and the
antennal funiculus (AF)) to 0.001mm using a freeware (ImageJ, ver.
Antennal gland: showed alterations such as atrophy of
antennal gland tubule, pyknotic nuclei, haemocytic infiltration and hemolymph were observed (FIG.