
(redirected from Ansae)
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the apparent extremities of planetary rings, esp those of Saturn, when viewed from such a perspective that they look like handlesany of several features of the nervous system shaped in a loop
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Chairman NAB directed the Director General Karachi Bureau Farooq Ansae Awan to recover the money from the accused person as soon as possible and submit a report to headquarters in this regard.
It also shows two previously imaged streams extending from either end of the nebula's long axis, ending in bright ansae (Latin for "handles")," ( the statement said, adding that the heart of the nebula is made up of the star that was once a red giant and is now "in the process of becoming a white dwarf."
The abdominal ultrasound reveals a finely granular liver, increased reflectivity, IVC = 29 mm, elevated hepato-jugular reflux, dilated ESR = 13 mm, VP = 14 mm, Doppler curve on the porta vein with ample variations because of the hepato-jugular reflux, perisplenic ascites liquid, ascites liquid in high quantity between the intestinal ansae; cholestasis with swollen gallbladder and walls thickening; small dimensions kidneys (right kidney = 98 mm, parenchymatous index = 10 mm, left kidney = 100 mm, parenchymatous index = 10 mm).
The rings were at a lower inclination to the Earth compared to the previous apparition so any ring features were generally only visible in the ansae. The appearance of the rings during this apparition is shown in many of the figures of this report.
Sakata, "Sustained left ansae subclaviae stimulation for a 5-hour period inhibits cesium-induced ventricular arrhythmogenesis in rabbits," Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, vol.
Preliminary details are on the website, or via anSAE at the ACU at ACU House, Wood Street, Rugby, CV21 2YX.
Estrada and Cuzzi [4], furthermore, report that the rings are "extremely reddish in color." Finally, Graham [5] reports that Don Parker preformed intensity scans on Saturn's rings in red and blue light but found no difference in brightness between the preceding and following ansae on five nights in 1993.
limit := 2(??-[log.sub.10](ansae + ansre[parallel][P.sup.(2)][parallel]) ??
There are also extremely faint, north-south ansae. According to a 2011 paper by Raghvendra Sahai and colleagues in Astronomical Journal, K 4-8 is a young planetary nebula.
The biggest challenge with NGC 7009 is seeing the needle-like extensions (the ansae) that sprout from the disk's equator.