
Also found in: Medical.
Related to anovular: anovular menstruation


not associated with or accompanied by ovulation
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Follicular size and response to ovsynch versus detection of estrus in anovular and ovular lactating dairy cows.
Family C: Ultrasonographic examination of the proband IV-4 in this family revealed patent tubes and anovular ovaries with a history of dysmenorrhea.
Characteristics of temporal patterns of cortisoland luteinizing hormone in primiparous, postpartum, anovular, suckled, beef cows exposed acutely to bulls,
Anovulation, the ovulation failure appear to be caused by the some endocrine malfunction that result in the development of anovular heat in cows.
Ram-induced reproduction in seasonally anovular corridale ewes: MAP doses for oestrous induction, ram percentages and post-mating progestagen supplementation.
In that population of lactating Holstein cows from five dairy herds, 22,5% of the cows remained anovular by day 60 postpartum.
There was no significant difference in postpartum anovular condition between cooled and uncooled cows.
Tentler traces the historical development of Catholic teaching about contraception from delicately worded late-nineteenth-century sermons about the "sin of Onanism" through the 1968 promulgation of Humanae Vitae, the papal encyclical that affirmed the Catholic ban on birth control in the wake of the emergence of the anovular pill.
argues that many Catholic couples eventually saw rhythm as a threat to marital happiness and, absent some other recourse, were left to decide whether a life of misery was "any less a violation of God's law than prayerful, responsible use of, say, the anovular Pill" (186).