

(Plants) a genus of flowering plants more commonly known as Inula
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On the other hand first time visitors of wineries seek more hedonic experience than repeat visitors (Bruwer and Alant, 2009).
Indeed, such reframing is particularly crucial for students with disabilities whose mathematics programming often lack rigor, positioning them in a passive learning role (Tan & Alant, 2016; Lambert & Tan, 2017; Browder, Spooner, Ahlgrim-Delzell, Harris, & Wakemanxya, 2008; Kroesbergen & Van Luit, 2003).
The literature review shows that many countries use graphic symbol sets/systems to support the communication and learning capacities of individuals with speech, learning, and linguistic deficiencies (Volpato, Orton, & Blackburn, 1985; Carmeli, & Shen, 1998; Whittle, & Detheridge, 2001; Alant, Life, & Harty, 2005; Brown, 2006; Parette, Boeckmann, & Hourcade, 2008; Zainuddin, Zaman, & Ahmad, 2009).
From an interactionist point of view, the notion that education transmits the elite values and intents is not all since the education system also is a dialogue between entities that encompass teachers and students, or amongst teachers themselves (Alant 1990).
Kontrol gruhu ratlann (7(33,3'Uncle geni; nekroz al= bulgulan sapta-mrken, likopen gruhu nalann %16,7'sinde geni; nekroz alant bulw.ulan saptandi (p>0,05).
Alonso (2009) found that tourists in New Zealand visited wineries for wine, food, staff friendliness, knowledge, and pleasant winery surroundings, and Alant and Bruwer (2004) showed that first-time wine tourists visited to taste and enjoy different wines and to discover new flavors.
These methods have been used to teach struggling readers to read words rapidly and repeatedly until correct responses are produced effortlessly or with automaticity (Barbetta, Heward, Bradley, & Miller, 1994; Bijl, Alant, & Lloyd, 2006; Joseph & Nist, 2006; Nist & Joseph, 2008; O'Connor & Padeliadu, 2002; Rohena, Jitendra, & Browder, 2002; Tan & Nicholson, 1997; Valleley, Evans, & Allen, 2002).
The academic literature on wine tourism considers such aspects as: identification of the wine tourist (Charters & Ali-Knight, 2002), success factors for wine regions (Getz & Brown, 2006) and service quality and consumer behaviour within the wine tourism sector (Alant & Bruwer, 2004; O'Neill & Charters, 2000).
Konu Alant Ders Kitabi Inceleme Kilavuzu Tuirkce 1-8 (ed.
Alant & Dada (2005) indicated that it is undoubtedly true the computer mediated communication technologies, when used correctly, can improve the quality of learning.
Inula salicina was also called by names of other species first introduced in Estonia as medicinal plants (ingver, alant).