

a variant spelling of etheric
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Every conference features researchers and individuals with innovative viewpoints, research and theories to share in the following areas: psychotronics, radionics, dowsing, energy healing, aetheric physics, frequencies, quantium energy and more.
(This fantasy of unalloyed affectivity is itself a long-standing trope in the reception of music.) Hence, no doubt, the New York Times' decision to illustrate their exhibition review with photographs of very young children: visual "proof" of sound art's capacity to provide an untutored, user-friendly, interactive experience.' One can only wonder how such images, and the discussion surrounding the show, would have differed had London included a piece like Fusinato's Aetheric Plexus, 2009, which blasts museum visitors--including children!--with 13,200 watts of white light and 105 decibels of white noise.
IF YOU LISTEN CLOSELY enough to the song "Aetheric Vehicle" on electronic duo Matmos' latest album, The Marriage of True Minds, you might be able to make out the sound of a kinky accessory jangling in the background.
Curcuma heyneana, locally called temu giring, contains piperazine citrate, aetheric oil, natural resins, fat and other substances and is often used in traditional medicines.
is not a fictional fantasy novel, but rather the genuine spiritual story of the Nature People who live in an Aetheric Plane, as told in their own words through von Lahr's mediumship and telepathy.
If all points are extensions of an original point, then wavelengths and frequencies, of what appears to be particle-like behavior, could be seen as geometric fluctuations that localize and delocalize an infinite spectrum of relative intensities--while maintaining an "aetheric" equilibium.
Every conference feature's researchers and individuals with innovative viewpoints, research and theories to share in the following areas: psychotronics, radionics, dowsing, energy healing, aetheric physics, frequencies, quantum energy and more.